12 December, 2014

No.26: The Carry Life$tyle

Since the Minnesota Citizens Personal Protection Act (MCPPA) became law, nearly 5% (181,000 out of 3,711,000) of the state’s adult population have obtained a legal carry permit.  This represents significant bussiness opportunity for gun dealers, range owners and trainers.  It’s become a revenue stream for County Sheriff Departments and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.

Kevin "Not Hysterical" Vick in full battle gear
Kevin Vick is an active member of Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance (MGOCRA).  He testified before the State Legislature and commented in a Star Tribune article that examined the Carry Lifestyle in Minnesota.  From his home in Lakeville, Vick markets his services as a state sanctioned, NRA certified carry permit instructor.  He is also a federally licensed arms dealer. A one stop shop.  Vick never served a day of his life in the military, law enforcement, the justice system or corporate security.  He has survived exactly zero gun fights.

With each new milestone in the Carrier population there is a predictable jump in Minnesota busineses opting out, asking customers to leave their guns behind.  This irritates Carry Lifestyle advocates.  Vick would have you belive these businesses tread all over his freedom to earn a living selling more guns.

To confront the edgy reputation associated with the Carry Lifestyle, Vick created a PSA video in 2013 titled And I CarryIt features seven Minnesotans from the seven county metro. The averageness of each profile is completely disarming. Carriers seem ubiquitous and ordinary. 

Granny Clown visits senior care
The video features Vick and TCGOCF administrator, Shelley Leeson.  They share likable passions for Minneapolis’ vibrant downtown and accessible Park System.  Riley Johnson, a humble System Engineer sites his own civic involvement as block captain.  There's moms with kids. A volunteer collects garbage along a highway. A bubbly grandma entertains retirement communities dressed as a clown.  They all carry.  All seem utterly harmless.  They even reveal their guns to show what jaded fools we’ve been. 

Say hello to Granny Clown's little friend
Wow.  What was I thinking?  These people are no different than you and…wait.  Did Granny Clown just flash a revolver swimming around inside her big old hand bag?   

Got a loved one in senior care?  Maybe in advanced stages of dementia?  Now imagine Granny Clown misplaces her purse - the one with the loaded revolver.  Maybe it’s in the ladies room or by the coffee pot and short bread cookies.  She cant’ remember.

Then BAM! Or imagine the following headline: 

Granny Clown Trips on Throw Rug, Gun Discharges; Assisted Living Staff, Resident Critically Wounded

The image lingers like the smell of hot garbage. Community out reach clearly isn’t the main objective or Granny Clown wouldn’t survive post production.

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